
In 2016, VSMCamp was organized for the first time by Le Bros & CSMO had achieved impressive numbers and attracted a lot of support from the business, marketing and communication communities. In 2017, VSMCamp was held in Ho Chi Minh City, continued receive many success and brought real value to participants.

Objectives & Strategies

Communication Objectives:

  • To develop VSMCamp to become the largest specialized event for the business, marketing & communication communities
  • To demonstrate the organization’s position and benefits for sponsors/participants in the process of racing to the latest trend in business, marketing and communication industry

Communication Strategy:

  • Utilizing integrated media campaigns focused on digital solutions, public relations, and event organization.


  • Over 46 speakers & experts from around the world
  • 30 sponsors from various industries
  • Nearly 1000 participants
  • Nearly 150 news articles, 6 news coverages, VOV radio ads in one month
  • Reached a larger amount of audience on Social Media